


'general': {
    'jedi': False,
    'register_key_commands': True,
    'page_line_count': 40

jedi: bool - JEDI is used as a backend for Find usages, Jump to definition and Show documentation Scripts. But because JEDI is also used by the Pythonista, JEDI is not thread safe and I don’t know when and how it is used, it’s disabled by default. You have to set it to True to enable mentioned scripts.

register_key_commands: bool - set to False to disable default Shortcuts.

page_line_count: int - number of lines to scroll up / down for page up / down.



'update': {
    'enabled': True,
    'interval': 3600

enabled: bool - set to False to disable check for updates.

interval: int - check for updates time interval (in seconds).

File picker


'file_picker': {
    'ignore_folders': {
        '': ['.git'],
        '.': ['.Trash', 'Examples',
              'site-packages', 'site-packages-2', 'site-packages-3']

ignore_folders: dict - key is a parent directory (not full path, just name) and value is a list of folders to ignore. You can use two special values as keys:

  • '' - any parent directory,
  • '.' - parent directory is ~/Documents.

Default value says that .git folder inside any folder is ignored. .Trash, Examples, ... folders inside ~/Documents folder are ignored as well.

Affects Open quickly and Run quickly scripts, see Scripts.


Defaults (since 1.1.0):

  • ignore_codes option is removed /ignored
  • max_line_length option is removed / ignored
'analyzer': {
    'hud_alert_delay': 1.0,
    'remove_whitespaces': True,
    'flake8': [
        # 1st pass
        # 2nd pass
        ['--max-complexity=10', '--max-line-length=127']

If flake8 is provided, ignore_codes and max_line_length options are ignored. flake8 must contain list of passes and every pass contains list of flake8 arguments. You can run flake8 several times with different options in this way.

Defaults (pre 1.1.0):

'analyzer': {
    'hud_alert_delay': 1.0,
    'ignore_codes': None,
    'max_line_length': 127,
    'remove_whitespaces': True

Affects Analyze script, see Scripts.



'tester': {
    'hud_alert_delay': 1.0,
    'hide_console': True

Affects Run unit tests script, see Scripts.

Drag and Drop


'drag_and_drop': {
    'ignore_folders': {
        '': ['.git'],
        '.': ['.Trash', 'Examples',
              'site-packages', 'site-packages-2', 'site-packages-3', 'stash_extensions']

Affects Drag & Drop script, see Scripts.



'documentation': {
    'reuse': True,
    'frame': (630, 110, 730, 350)

reuse: bool - same overlay view is reused for consequent show documentation calls if set to True. Otherwise multiple overlays appear in consequent show documentation calls, but if a symbol’s fully qualified name matches existing overlay, this particular overlay is expanded and activated.

frame: tuple(float, float, float, float) - initial overlay frame in the key window coordinates.

Affects Show documentation script, see Scripts.


See for more examples.