Source code for blackmamba.system


"""System info and decorators.

.. warning:: This module must not introduce dependency on any other Black Mamba
    modules and must be importable on any other platform as well.

import sys
import traceback
import functools

    import console
except ImportError:
    console = None

# 3.1, 301016
# 3.1.1 beta, 311008

PYTHONISTA = sys.platform == 'ios'
"""bool: True if we're running within Pythonista or False."""

"""str: Pythonista version or `None` if we're not within Pythonista."""

"""int: Pythonista bundle version or `None` if we're not within Pythonista."""

"""tuple(int): Pythonista version tuple (3, 1, 1) or `None` if we're not within Pythonista."""

IOS = sys.platform == 'ios'
"""bool: `True` if we're running within iOS or `False`."""

"""str: iOS version or `None` if we're not within iOS."""

"""tuple(int): iOS version tuple (11, 0) or `None` if we're not within iOS."""

def _version_tuple(version):
    if not version:
        return None
    return tuple(map(int, (version.split('.'))))

    import plistlib
    import os

        plist_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(sys.executable, '..', 'Info.plist'))
        plist = plistlib.readPlist(plist_path)

        PYTHONISTA_VERSION = plist['CFBundleShortVersionString']
        PYTHONISTA_BUNDLE_VERSION = int(plist['CFBundleVersion'])
    except Exception:

if IOS:
        from objc_util import ObjCClass
        IOS_VERSION = str(ObjCClass('UIDevice').currentDevice().systemVersion())
        IOS_VERSION_TUPLE = _version_tuple(IOS_VERSION)
    except Exception:

class _Available:
    def __init__(self, from_version=None, to_version=None):
        if from_version and to_version:
            raise ValueError('Either from_version or to_version can be provided, not both')

        self._from_version = _version_tuple(from_version)
        self._to_version = _version_tuple(to_version)

    def version(self):
        raise Exception('Not implemented, return version as tuple(int)')

    def _available(self):
        current_version = self.version()
        if not current_version:
            return False

        if self._to_version:
            return current_version <= self._to_version

        if self._from_version:
            return current_version >= self._from_version

        return True

    def __call__(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):
        def func(*args, **kwargs):
            if self._available():
                return fn(*args, **kwargs)
            return None
        return func

[docs]class iOS(_Available): """Decorator to execute function under specific iOS versions. Return value is return value of decorated function or `None` if iOS condition isn't met. Examples: Run function only within any iOS version:: @iOS() def run_me(): pass Run function only within iOS >= 11.0:: @iOS('11.0') # or @iOS(from_version='11.0') def run_me(): pass Run function only within iOS <= 11.0:: @iOS(None, '11.0') # or @iOS(to_version='11.0') def run_me(): pass """ def version(self): return IOS_VERSION_TUPLE
[docs]class Pythonista(_Available): """Decorator to execute function under specific Pythonista versions. By default, function is not executed under application extension. You have to pass ``appex=True`` if you'd like to run some function under appex as well. Return value is return value of decorated function or `None` if Pythonista condition isn't met. Examples: Run function only within any Pythonista version:: @Pythonista() def run_me(): pass Run function only within any Pythonista version and allow appex:: @Pythonista(appex=True) def run_me(): pass Run function only within any Pythonista version and disallow appex:: @Pythonista(appex=False) def run_me(): pass Run function only within Pythonista >= 3.1.1:: @Pythonista('3.1.1') # or @Pythonista(from_version='3.1.1') def run_me(): pass Run function only within Pythonista <= 3.2:: @Pythonista(None, '3.2') # or @Pythonista(to_version='3.2') def run_me(): pass """ def __init__(self, from_version=None, to_version=None, appex=None): super().__init__(from_version, to_version) self._appex = appex def _available(self): available = super()._available() if available and self._appex is not None: import appex available = appex.is_running_extension() == self._appex return available def version(self): return PYTHONISTA_VERSION_TUPLE
[docs]def catch_exceptions(func): """Decorator catching all exceptions and printing info to the console. Use this decorator for functions handling keyboard shortcuts, keyboard events, ... to avoid Pythonista crash. Args: func: Function to decorate Returns: Return value of decorated function. """ @functools.wraps(func) def new_func(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: if console: console.set_color(1, 0, 0) print(traceback.format_exc()) print('Please, file an issue at {}'.format('')) if console: console.set_color() return new_func