Source code for blackmamba.log


"""Logging module.

**This module must not introduce dependency on any other Black Mamba
modules and must be importable on any other platform**.

Why custom module instead of the bundled one? Several reasons:

* not to interfere with Pythonista logging settings,
* unable to convince Pythonista to use my colors,
* etc.

Default log level is INFO. You can use `blackmamba.log.set_level`
to change effective log level. Available log levels are:

* `INFO`

If you'd like to silent Black Mamba messages, it's recommended to set log
level to `ERROR`::

    import blackmamba.log as log

    import console
except ImportError:
    console = None

ERROR = 40
"""Only errors are logged."""

"""Only warnings and errors are logged."""

INFO = 20
"""Informational messages, warnings and errors are logged."""

DEBUG = 10
"""Debug, information messages, warnings and errors are logged."""

"""All messages are logged."""

_level = INFO

    WARNING: (1, 0.5, 0),
    ERROR: (1, 0, 0)

[docs]def get_level() -> int: """Return effective log level. Returns: Effective log level. """ return _level
[docs]def set_level(level: int): """Set effective log level. Args: level: Log level to set. """ global _level _level = level
def _log(level, *args, **kwargs): if _level > level: return color = _COLORS.get(level, None) if console and color: console.set_color(*color) print(*args, **kwargs) if console and color: console.set_color()
[docs]def debug(*args, **kwargs): """Log message with `DEBUG` level. Args: args: Passed to `print`. kwargs: Passed to `print`. """ _log(DEBUG, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def info(*args, **kwargs): """Log message with `INFO` level. Args: args: Passed to `print`. kwargs: Passed to `print`. """ _log(INFO, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def warn(*args, **kwargs): """Log message with `WARNING` level. Args: args: Passed to `print`. kwargs: Passed to `print`. """ _log(WARNING, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def error(*args, **kwargs): """Log message with `ERROR` level. Args: args: Passed to `print`. kwargs: Passed to `print`. """ _log(ERROR, *args, **kwargs)
def issue(*args, **kwargs): error(*args, **kwargs) error('Please, file an issue at {}'.format(''))