Following scripts are usable as Pythonista action items (wrench menu icon). In other words, you can use them even without external keyboard.
Scripts still requires you to call blackmamba.main
, see API Reference.¶
Shows dialog with user defined action items (wrench icon). You can filter them
by title, use arrow keys to change selection and run any of them with Enter
Only user defined action items are listed.¶
Source code analysis with flake8
. Results are displayed as
Pythonista annotations. If there‘s no error / warning, HUD informs you about that.
This script is configurable, see Configuration.¶
Clears all Pythonista annotations.¶
Closes all tabs except current one.¶
iOS >= 11.0 required.
Shows dialog with opened files and folders tree. You can drag a file / folder to any other iOS application. Works well with Working Copy and Kaleidoscope for example.
You can drag a file / folder from any other iOS application as well. But there‘s one limitation, you can drop them at the folder only.
This script is configurable, see Configuration.¶
Finds usages of a symbol. If there‘re no usage, HUD informs you. Otherwise dialog appears where you can select location and scroll to it.
JEDI must be enabled, see Configuration.¶
Jumps to symbol definition. If definition can‘t be found, HUD informs you. Otherwise it jumps to definition location or shows dialog where you can choose location if more than one definition was found.
JEDI must be enabled, see Configuration.¶
Shows dialog where you can enter line number to scroll to.¶
If there‘s no opened file in the Pythonista, new tab is created and New File... button tap is emulated.
Otherwise dialog appears where you can enter new file name. File will be created in the current folder. If it already exists, file will be opened instead of creating new one.¶
Shows dialog with all your files. You can filter these files by directories,
file name, etc. Use arrow keys to change selection and then hit Enter
to open
selected file.
If file is already opened, Black Mamba changes selected tab only.
This script is configurable, see Configuration.¶
Shows source code outline. You can filter functions, ... by name. Use arrows key to
change selection and then hit Enter
to scroll to the symbol.¶
Shows dialog with all your Python files. You can filter these files by directories,
file name, etc. Use arrows keys to change selection and then hit Enter
run selected file.
This script is configurable, see Configuration.¶
Runs unit tests and show results as Pythonista annotations.
This script is configurable, see Configuration.¶
Shows documentation for the symbol around cursor. If definition can‘t be found, HUD informs you. If there‘re more than one definitions, dialog appears where you can select which one to show.
Documentation is displayed as an overlay, which can be closed by the
Ctrl W
shortcut or by tapping on the X
This script is configurable, see Configuration.
JEDI must be enabled, see Configuration.¶
Toggles current line / selected lines comments.