Source code for blackmamba.uikit.keyboard


"""Keyboard shortcuts.

**Key commands**

Key command is kind of global shortcut in Pythonista. They're visible if you
hold down ``Cmd`` key for example. Black Mamba does use key commands for
shortcuts like toggle comments, etc.

Related functions:

    * `UIKeyModifier`
    * `UIKeyInput`
    * `register_key_command`

Following example shows how to print *Hallo* with ``Cmd H`` keyboard shortcut::

    from blackmamba.uikit.keyboard import (
        register_key_command, UIKeyModifier

    def hallo():

        'Print Hallo'  # Optional discoverability title (hold down Cmd)

**Key event handlers**

Key event handler is kind of local keyboard shortcut. They're not visible
if you hold down ``Cmd`` key. Designed to be used in custom dialogs.

Related functions:

    * `UIKeyModifier`
    * `UIEventKeyCode`
    * `register_key_event_handler`
    * `unregister_key_event_handler`

Following example shows how to close dialog with ``Cmd .`` keyboard shortcut::

    from blackmamba.uikit.keyboard import (
        register_key_event_handler, UIEventKeyCode, UIKeyModifier,

    class MyView(ui.View):
        def __init__(self, **kwargs):

            def close_me():

            self._handlers = [
                register_key_event_handler(UIEventKeyCode.DOT, close_me, modifier=UIKeyModifier.COMMAND)

        def will_close(self):
from ctypes import CFUNCTYPE, c_void_p, c_char_p
from objc_util import retain_global, ObjCInstance, UIApplication, c, ns, on_main_thread, sel, ObjCClass
from blackmamba.util.runtime import swizzle
from blackmamba.log import error, info
import blackmamba.system as system
from enum import Enum, IntEnum
from typing import Union, Callable, List

if system.IOS:
    _UIKeyboardImpl = ObjCClass('UIKeyboardImpl')
    _UIKeyboardImpl = None

[docs]def is_in_hardware_keyboard_mode() -> bool: """Check if HW keyboard is connected. Returns: True if HW keyboard is connected. """ if not _UIKeyboardImpl: return False return _UIKeyboardImpl.sharedInstance().isInHardwareKeyboardMode()
UIKeyCommand = ObjCClass('UIKeyCommand')
[docs]class UIKeyModifier(IntEnum): """Key modifiers. Modifiers can be combined like:: UIKeyModifier.COMMAND | UIKeyModifier.SHIFT * `NONE` - No modifier key. * `ALPHA_SHIFT` - CapsLock. * `SHIFT` - Shift key. * `CONTROL` - Control key. * `ALTERNATE` - Option key. * `COMMAND` - Command key. * `NUMERIC_PAD` - Key is on a numeric pad. .. note:: Camel case constants deprecated in 1.4.4, will be removed in 2.0.0. Use UPPER_CASE variants. See also: * `register_key_command` * `register_key_event_handler` """ NONE = 0 ALPHA_SHIFT = 1 << 16 SHIFT = 1 << 17 CONTROL = 1 << 18 ALTERNATE = 1 << 19 COMMAND = 1 << 20 NUMERIC_PAD = 1 << 21 none = 0 alphaShift = 1 << 16 shift = 1 << 17 control = 1 << 18 alternate = 1 << 19 command = 1 << 20 numericPad = 1 << 21
class UIEventType(IntEnum): TOUCHES = 0 MOTION = 1 REMOTE_CONTROL = 2 PRESSES = 3 PHYSICAL_KEYBOARD = 4 class UIEventSubtype(IntEnum): NONE = 0
[docs]class UIEventKeyCode(IntEnum): """Event key codes. Not all key codes are listed / included here. Feel free to create pull request with more key codes if you'd like to use them. * `RIGHT` - Right arrow key. * `LEFT` - Left arrow key. * `DOWN` - Down arrow key. * `UP` - Up arrow key. * `ENTER` - Enter / Return key. * `SPACE` - Space key. * `BACKSPACE` - Backspace key. * `ESCAPE` - Escape key. * `LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET` - Left square bracket key. * `DOT` - Dot key. .. note:: Camel case constants deprecated in 1.4.4, will be removed in 2.0.0. Use UPPER_CASE variants. See also: * `register_key_event_handler` """ RIGHT = 79 LEFT = 80 DOWN = 81 UP = 82 ENTER = 40 SPACE = 44 BACKSPACE = 42 ESCAPE = 41 LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET = 47 DOT = 55 right = 79 left = 80 down = 81 up = 82 enter = 40 space = 44 backspace = 42 escape = 41 leftSquareBracket = 47 dot = 55
[docs]class UIKeyInput(str, Enum): """Enumeration of special key input values. * `LEFT_ARROW` - Left arrow key. * `RIGHT_ARROW` - Right arrow key. * `UP_ARROW` - Up arrow key. * `DOWN_ARROW` - Down arrow key. .. note:: Camel case constants deprecated in 1.4.4, will be removed in 2.0.0. Use UPPER_CASE variants. See also: * `register_key_command` """ LEFT_ARROW = 'UIKeyInputLeftArrow' RIGHT_ARROW = 'UIKeyInputRightArrow' UP_ARROW = 'UIKeyInputUpArrow' DOWN_ARROW = 'UIKeyInputDownArrow' leftArrow = 'UIKeyInputLeftArrow' rightArrow = 'UIKeyInputRightArrow' upArrow = 'UIKeyInputUpArrow' downArrow = 'UIKeyInputDownArrow' @property def selector_name(self): return'_', '').title()
_UIKeyInputNames = { '/': 'Slash', '.': 'Dot', ',': 'Comma', '+': 'Plus', '-': 'Minus', ' ': 'Space', '_': 'Underscore', '\t': 'Tab', '[': 'LeftSquareBracket', ']': 'RightSquareBracket', '?': 'QuestionMark' } _key_commands = [] def _blackmamba_keyCommands(_self, _cmd): """Swizzled version of keyCommands(). It calls original method to get Pythonista shortcuts and then appends custom ones.""" obj = ObjCInstance(_self) commands = list(obj.originalkeyCommands() or []) commands.extend(_key_commands) return ns(commands).ptr def _input_selector_name(input): if isinstance(input, UIKeyInput): return input.selector_name assert(isinstance(input, str)) if len(input) == 1: input = input.upper() if (input >= 'A' and input <= 'Z') or (input >= '0' and input <= '9'): return input if input not in _UIKeyInputNames: raise ValueError('Unsupported key command input: {}'.format(input)) return _UIKeyInputNames[input] def _modifier_selector_name(modifier): _names = { UIKeyModifier.alphaShift: 'AlphaShift', UIKeyModifier.shift: 'Shift', UIKeyModifier.control: 'Control', UIKeyModifier.alternate: 'Alternate', UIKeyModifier.command: 'Command', UIKeyModifier.numericPad: 'NumericPad', UIKeyModifier.ALPHA_SHIFT: 'AlphaShift', UIKeyModifier.SHIFT: 'Shift', UIKeyModifier.CONTROL: 'Control', UIKeyModifier.ALTERNATE: 'Alternate', UIKeyModifier.COMMAND: 'Command', UIKeyModifier.NUMERIC_PAD: 'NumericPad' } if isinstance(modifier, UIKeyModifier): modifier = modifier.value flags = [ name for mod, name in _names.items() if mod.value & modifier ] if flags: return ''.join(flags) else: return '' def _key_command_selector_name(input, modifier): return 'blackMambaHandleKey{}{}'.format( _modifier_selector_name(modifier), _input_selector_name(input) ) def _shortcut_name(input, modifier): return '{} {}'.format( _modifier_selector_name(modifier), _input_selector_name(input) ) @system.Pythonista(appex=False) @on_main_thread def _register_key_command(input, modifier_flags, function, title=None): if not UIApplication.sharedApplication().respondsToSelector_(sel('originalkeyCommands')): swizzle('UIApplication', 'keyCommands', _blackmamba_keyCommands) selector_name = _key_command_selector_name(input, modifier_flags) selector = sel(selector_name) obj = UIApplication.sharedApplication() info('Registering key command "{}" ({})'.format( _shortcut_name(input, modifier_flags), title or 'No discoverability title' )) if not callable(function): error('Skipping, provided function is not callable') return False if obj.respondsToSelector_(selector): error('Skipping, method {} already registered'.format(selector_name)) return False def key_command_action(_sel, _cmd, sender): function() IMPTYPE = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p) imp = IMPTYPE(key_command_action) retain_global(imp) cls = c.object_getClass(obj.ptr) type_encoding = c_char_p('v@:@'.encode('utf-8')) did_add = c.class_addMethod(cls, selector, imp, type_encoding) if not did_add: error('Failed to add key command method {}'.format(selector_name)) return False if isinstance(modifier_flags, UIKeyModifier): modifier_flags = modifier_flags.value if title: kc = UIKeyCommand.keyCommandWithInput_modifierFlags_action_discoverabilityTitle_( ns(input), modifier_flags, selector, ns(title)) else: kc = UIKeyCommand.keyCommandWithInput_modifierFlags_action_(ns(input), modifier_flags, selector) _key_commands.append(kc) return True
[docs]def register_key_command(input: Union[str, UIKeyInput], modifier_flags: UIKeyModifier, function: Callable[[], None], title: str = None) -> bool: """Register key command. .. note:: There's no function to unregister key commands. Args: input: String like ``A`` or special `UIKeyInput` value modifier_flags: Modifier flags function: Function to call title: Discoverability title Returns: True if key command was registered. """ return _register_key_command(input, modifier_flags, function, title)
_key_event_handlers = [] class KeyEventHandler(object): """Key event handler object. .. note:: Use it only and only for key event deregistration (`unregister_key_event_handler`). Attributes: key_code (UIEventKeyCode): Key code modifier (UIKeyModifier): Modifier flags fn (Callable): Function to call """ def __init__(self, key_code: UIEventKeyCode, modifier: UIKeyModifier, fn: Callable[[], None]): if isinstance(key_code, UIEventKeyCode): self.key_code = key_code.value else: self.key_code = key_code if isinstance(modifier, UIKeyModifier): self.modifier = modifier.value else: self.modifier = modifier self.fn = fn def _blackmamba_handleKeyUIEvent(_self, _cmd, event): e = ObjCInstance(event) if e.type() == UIEventType.PHYSICAL_KEYBOARD.value and e.subtype() == UIEventSubtype.NONE.value: for h in _key_event_handlers: if h.key_code == e._keyCode() and h.modifier == e._modifierFlags(): if not e._isKeyDown(): h.fn() return ObjCInstance(_self).originalhandleKeyUIEvent_(e) @on_main_thread def _register_key_event_handler(key_code, func, *, modifier=UIKeyModifier.NONE): if not UIApplication.sharedApplication().respondsToSelector_(sel('originalhandleKeyUIEvent:')): swizzle('UIApplication', 'handleKeyUIEvent:', _blackmamba_handleKeyUIEvent) @system.catch_exceptions def invoke_func(): func() handler = KeyEventHandler(key_code, modifier, invoke_func) _key_event_handlers.append(handler) return handler
[docs]def register_key_event_handler(key_code: UIEventKeyCode, func: Callable[[], None], *, modifier: UIKeyModifier = UIKeyModifier.NONE) -> KeyEventHandler: """Register key event handler. Usable in dialogs for example. Do not forget to unregister key event handler in ``will_close`` function of your ``ui.View``. Args: key_code: Key code func: Function to call modifier: Modifier flags Returns: `KeyEventHandler` to use in `unregister_key_event_handler`. """ return _register_key_event_handler(key_code, func, modifier=modifier)
@on_main_thread def _unregister_key_event_handler(handler): try: _key_event_handlers.remove(handler) except ValueError: pass
[docs]def unregister_key_event_handler(handler: KeyEventHandler): """Unregister key event handler. It is safe to call this function multiple times with the same handler. Handler is silently ignored if it's not registered. Args: handler: Key event handler to unregister """ _unregister_key_event_handler(handler)
[docs]def unregister_key_event_handlers(handlers: List[KeyEventHandler]): """Unregister list of key event handlers. Convenience function, it just calls `unregister_key_event_handler` for every handler. Args: handlers: List of handlers """ for handler in handlers: unregister_key_event_handler(handler)